
Italian Police Join Protestors And Stand Against Vaccine Mandates

Italy is in the process of adopting one of the strictest COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the entire world.

Next month, all Italian workers, public and private will be required to show proof of vaccination, or they will lose their wages. 

The tyrannical restriction of free will has invoked passionate protests among thee people of Italy. 

In a video that recently went viral, Italian police officers broke ranks in masse and decided to join their fellow citizens in assembly against the government. 

The video starts with a crowd engulfing a police line. Suddenly the yelling becomes more quiet as an officer removes his helmet and pulls down his mask. 

The once angry crowd began cheering and clapping of joy. 

Immediately after, another officer removes his helmet, then another, and another, until the whole line stands in solidarity with the protestors. 

At one point, a protestor appears to share a half-hug and pat on the back with one of the first officers to deviate. 

Some Twitter users argued that this was simply a tactic used by the police to pacify the protestors and make them less hostile. This event however, did not appear to be planned in any way. As the first officer removes his helmet, the others look at him in confusion.