
Email Reveals Joe Biden PAID Hunter’s Legal Bills

According to an email released Tuesday, President Joe Biden agreed to pay more than $800,000 in bills for his son, Hunter, including legal fees connected to his overseas business dealings.

The email, which included a spreadsheet of the bills, contradicts Biden’s claim that he has never discussed Hunter’s business with him.

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It was written by Hunter’s former personal assistant, Katie Dodge, and sent to accountant Linda Shapero on Jan. 17, 2019.

“I spoke with Hunter today regarding his bills,” Dodge said. “It is my understanding that Hunt’s dad will cover these bills in the short-term as Hunter transitions in his career”.

The email was cc’d to Hunter Biden and Richard Ruffner, a personal aide to Joe Biden while he was vice president.

On the spreadsheet, $130,000 in legal fees was due “ASAP” to the law firm of Faegre Baker Daniels, with $28,382 owed for “BHR Restructuring”.

That is reportedly a reference to the Chinese company Bohai Harvest RST Equity Investment Fund Management, in which Hunter Biden had a 10 percent stake through a company called Skaneateles LLC.

Hunter Biden also owed Faegre Baker another $20,909 for “Burnham Restructu,” possibly referring to Burnham Financial Group, which former Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer and others invested in.

There was another bill from Faegre Baker of $82,239 for “Confidential Investi,” for a total of $131,530, according to the spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet also included “payments and insurance for a Porsche, a Ford truck and a boat; tuition for Hunter’s daughters to attend the University of Pennsylvania and the private Sidwell Friends School; and $37,000 a month to his ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle,” reported The New York Post.

$412,309 of the total $818,665 in debts listed on the spreadsheet involved various state and federal taxes.

The email and the spreadsheet, first reported by the Daily Mail, were stored on Hunter’s laptop.