
NYC Holds 60,000 Person Concert Amid Vaccine Mandate

Amid the New York City vaccine mandate, the city held the “We Love NYC: The Homecoming Concert” in Central Park. 

The concert had roughly 60,000 people in attendance, most of whom wore no mask despite CDC recommendation. 

Mayor Bill De Blasio pretends to be concerned with the pandemic, and saving lives. But yet, he only steps in, in places where there is power to be gained.

If the pandemic was still so serious, and so dangerous that it was necessary to strip all unvaccinated Americans of free will, why would De Blasio allow for a 60,000 person maskless concert with no social distancing? 

It seems quite counter productive to the alleged goal of “stopping the spread.” 

Americans should be able to go about their lives and do as they please regardless of vaccination. The issue however is the hypocrisy of elected officials who are so clearly scrambling for power. 

Bill De Blasio himself made an appearance on stage during the concert. Not understanding that the concert defeats the purpose of the vaccine mandate he wrote into law.

The concert was thwarted by rain and lightning. About halfway through the event, attendants were forced to “evacuate the premises.”