
Mothers Of Fallen Black Youths Turn On BLM

The mothers of Tamir Rice, and Breonna Taylor have turned in Bock Lives Matter and its former leader, Patrisse Cullors. Cullors hs recently stepped down from her position as executive director, after accumulating a $3 million real estate portfolio. 

After Cullors announced that she would be stepping down, Samaria Rice, the mother of Tamir Rice claimed that it was “all a facade”. Rice told the New York Post, “She’s only saying that to get the heat off her right now.”

Rice claimed that she had been in touch with Cullors since 2014 via email. The not so active activist had never arranged a face to face meeting with the mother. Rather, she was kept in the background while her sons name was used to generate cash flow. 

Rice went on to say “They are benefiting off the blood of our loved ones, and they won’t even talk to us,” referencing the organization. 

Breonna Taylor’s mother, Tamika Palmer wrote “I have never personally dealt with BLM Louisville and personally have found them to be fraud” in a Facebook post earlier this year.

Taylor’s name was used by the organization as a key icon to rally support and eventually drive donations. Of which, Palmer saw none of. 

This organization is a group of snakes, that use the deaths of children to rally support for their agenda. Not because they care about the agenda, but because this agenda is profitable, all the while claiming to be Marxists.