
Matt Gaetz Accused Of Sexual Relationship With 17 Year Old

Florida congressmen, Matt Gaetz is currently under investigation by the Justice Department for alleged sex trafficking and prostitution. 

The accusations include a sexual relationship with 17 year old female who he allegedly paid to travel with him. 

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Gaetz denies the allegations, claiming that the assertions are a part of an extortion plot against him. 

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, the Florida congressmen claimed that his father, Don Gaetz, received a text message demanding millions in exchange for the story to be kept silent. Gaetz told CNN, that the claims were being pushed by people who are targets of an ongoing extortion investigation. 

CNN also reported that  “Pensacola, Florida-based federal prosecutors are examining the extortion allegations, according to one source, which is being handled separately from the investigation of Gaetz. The source did not disclose who was being investigated for the extortion.”

The Congressmen claimed that his father has been wearing a wire by direction of the FBI in order to catch those responsible for the extortion attempt. 

At this time the identity of the 17 year old girl allegedly involved is unknown. It is also unknown whether or not she is older than 18 currently. Matt Gaetz claims that she does not exist. 

David McGee, a former DOJ prosecutor was pointed out by name as a proponent of the extortion plot when Gaetz was interviewed by Tucker Carlson.

McGee put out a statement Wednesday denying involvement. “Congressman Matt Gaetz made an allegation on The Tucker Carlson show last night that David L. McGee, a partner in the firm of Beggs & Lane, had attempted to extort money from Gaetz and his family in exchange for McGee making the investigation against Congressman Gaetz ‘go away.’ The allegation by the Congressman is both false and defamatory,” McGee’s law firm said in a statement. “While he was with the DOJ he would never have entertained a scheme such as what Congressman Gaetz suggests nor would he today. Unsubstantiated allegations do not change that fact.”

McGee also confirmed that he had spoken with Don Gaetz but refused to speak in the nature of their conversation. 

House Democrat Ted Lieu has called for the removal of the Florida congressmen from the House Judiciary Committee until a conclusion can be drawn. 

Ted Lieu very clearly does not understand the concept of innocent until proven guilty. At this time there is not even enough information for an arrest, and yet Gaetz peers call for his removal. 

Gaetz just like Governor Andrew Cuomo is innocent until proven guilty. The case must develop further before serious action is taken without evidence of wrongdoing.