
Larry Elder And Security Attacked By Egg-Throwers In Los Angeles

While walking in Los Angeles Wednesday, Larry Elder, the republican California gubernatorial candidate, had eggs thrown at him and his campaign team.

Elder was walking through the Venice neighborhood when he was confronted by a group of people.

In the video, the first egg thrown almost hits Elder in the head and one of his team members says “We’re getting egged from behind”.

A second egg was thrown but it’s unclear if any hit Elder. A woman in a gorilla mask can easily be seen throwing one of the eggs at the beginning.

Others in the group became aggressive toward Elder’s team and the woman in the gorilla mask appears to slap a member in the face. Multiple people crowded around the man who was slapped and yelled at him. He also seems to get hit again before getting away.

Elder tweeted Wednesday explaining that one of his security members was shot with a pellet gun during the incident.

Elder is the leading candidate in the recall election of California’s current Gov. Gavin Newsom. If the election is successful next week, Elder will be the first black governor of the state.