
WHO: No Reports Of ANY Omicron Deaths

It turns out, the new COVID variant that the world had begun shutting down over… hasn’t killed anyone. 

The World Health Organization reported that as of Friday there are no reports of deaths as a result of the omicron variant of COVID-19.

the WHO however also claims that the variant could slow economic recovery. A COVID-19 variant in and of itself cannot cause a major slow in economic recovery – only restrictive policy can do that. 

The world wide economic slump, was caused by strenuous lockdowns – not the virus. These lockdowns continued long after they were necessary and still continue today, ravaging unemployment rates, the supply chain, and family income. 

Despite the intense ramifications, governments of the world continue on. Germany and Austria both recently instituted lockdowns for the unvaccinated which make up a considerable portion of the work force. 

Australia has begun throwing individuals who they feel may have been at risk if contracting the virus into internment camps. 

One woman, Hayley Hodgson regaled her story of being abducted by the government and taken away from her home. Hodgson never had, or tested positive for COVID-19. 

She spent 14 days in an internment camp under threat of a $5,000 fine for leaving her confined trailer. During this time, her employer fired her for not coming to work. 

In New York City an unvaccinated person is prohibited from entering essentially any public building unless they can show proof of vaccination. 

This policy creates an issue in terms of employment but also depletes the number of customers a business will get in any given day.