
House Republicans Blast Biden Admin As Afghanistan Deadline Gets Closer

On Saturday multiple GOP Congressmen criticized President Joe Biden and his administration while warning that American citizens are having immense trouble reaching the airport in Afghanistan.

Biden set August 31 as the withdrawal deadline and his administration has chosen to stick to that date regardless of the fact that evacuations are becoming extremely difficult.

Representatives such as Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, Mike Waltz, R-Fla., and Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, have expressed their disapproval of the Biden administration’s handling of the evacuations at the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul.

Waltz tweeted Saturday night about the failed efforts, saying “Our fellow Americans will soon be left behind”.

Dan Crenshaw also tweeted Saturday warning Americans that the Biden administration is not helping those in Afghanistan and has been lying about their actions. Sunday morning he wrote, “Also hearing State Department actively blocking efforts to land private aircraft for extractions. For context, most of the efforts you’ve been hearing about are essentially coordination, not veterans physically flying in privately to extract people”.

Ronny Jackson tweeted that his office has been trying to help Americans get evacuated but noted that citizens were having a hard time getting into the airport because the State Department won’t help them.

He later added that the Taliban is beating people at checkpoints and Biden “is going to get them killed”.

Democrats are also taking to Twitter to express frustration with the crisis. Rep. Andy Kim, D-N.J., tweeted Saturday, “As we hit 72 hours away from Biden’s Aug 31 deadline for ending the evac mission, I’m still hearing from American Citizens, including a child, in Kabul that are terrified of being left behind”.

Hundreds of people waiting to be evacuated have been repeatedly trying to reach the airport gates everyday. On Saturday the State Department said there are 350 American citizens still waiting to be evacuated in Afghanistan and they will provide “assistance around the clock”.