
Minnesota 4th Graders Given ‘Equity Survey’, Told To Hide From Parents

After a school in Minnesota gave students an ‘equity survey’ and told them not to share details with their parents, one student expressed concern to her mother.

Hayley Yasgar explained in a Fox & Friends interview that she became “very nervous and uncomfortable” when a classmate was told he could not ask his mother to clarify a question.

Yasgar’s mother Kelsey noted that she knew the equity audit was taking place but didn’t know details and what date it was to occur.

Many students taking the survey were told that they had to answer all questions on it, even if they didn’t understand the teacher’s explanation of a particular question.

We had been informed that this came down from the administration and Equity Alliance of Minnesota instructed them to make sure the children did not share this information with their parents and that should pose a great concern in any parents’ eyes.


Ever since the events taking place in 2020, schools have been discussing race and racism in districts across the country and have even begun pushing critical race theory on students.

The district superintendent and Equity Alliance of Minnesota have yet to comment on this incident.