
Liberals Blame Ron DeSantis For a Vehicle Running Over Pride Parade Marchers

#DeathDeSantis trended on Twitter as two people were hit by a truck, one dead, during the Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride Parade in South Florida on Saturday around 7 PM.

Fort Lauderdale Mayor, Dean Trantalis, jumped to conclusions in an interview that this was “an act of terrorism against the LGBTQ community.”

“This is exactly what it is. Hardly an accident. It was deliberate, it was premeditated, and it was targeted against a specific person. Luckily they missed that person, but unfortunately, they hit two other people,” he continued.

The driver and victims were apart of the Gay Men’s Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus according to the group’s president, Justin Knight.

Knight said in a statement, “Our fellow Chorus members were those injured and the driver was also a part of the Chorus family.”

“To my knowledge, it was an accident. This was not an attack on the LGBTQ community. We anticipate more details to follow and ask for the community’s love and support,” he continued.

Liberal sympathetic accounts on social media didn’t wait for any information to be released as they were quick to blame Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

These misinformed tweeters are referring to the “Combatting Public Disorder Bill,” which DeSantis signed into law during the 2020 Race Riots.

The bill allows for drives to move through rioters and violent protestors if they feel their lives are direct danger.