
Left-Wing Group Given $158 Million In Tax Dollars To Help Illegals Avoid Deportation

How might a group obtain millions of your hard-worked tax dollars to aid illegal immigrants in their efforts to avoid deportation? Well, apparently the Department of Health and Human Services is more than happy to hand out the funding to organizations like the “Vera Institute of Justice”.

Vera received $158 million from the HHS to assist unaccompanied minors who have illegally immigrated to the United States remain here. The organization is a left-wing group that describes immigration agencies as a “threat” to civil liberties. 

Fox reported, (Jason) Hopkins said the institute gets around half of its funding from the federal government. In fact, between July 1, 2019, and June 30, 2020, nearly $137 million of the group’s $174 million in revenue came from government grants, the institute’s most recent tax forms show.

“thousands of immigrant children are placed into court proceedings in which government prosecutors seek to deport them unless those children can prove they have a right to stay in the United States,” a Vera spokesperson said. 

More right Vera could not be. Anyone who enters the United States without proper authorization is in violation of 8 U.S. Code § 1325: Unlawful Entry. Violation of this code subjects the offender to deportation.

The contract given to Vera is primarily intended to provide legal funding and services to unaccompanied minors who face removal proceedings alone. 

Allegedly, the federal government has been funding similar programs since the mid-2000s, however, this particular contract appears to be the largest stand-alone funding block given to Vera yet. 

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