
Fauci Admits That COVID Hospitalizations Are Over Reported

During an MSNBC broadcast about the increasing number of children hospitalized with COVID-19, Fauci made a disturbing revelation. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci reminded Americans to know the difference between hospitalizations with COVID and hospitalizations because of COVID. 

“What we mean by that is if a child goes in the hospital, they automatically get tested for COVID – And they get counted as a COVID hospitalized individual, when in fact they may go in for a broken leg,” He said. 

This is a direct admission that a percentage of individuals considered “COVID hospitalizations” may actually be hospitalized for something completely different, but happened to have the virus at the same time. This leads to the creation of statistics that mislead the American people. 

Senator Ted Cruz took particular issue with this comment. Cruz accused Fauci of manipulating the COVID-19 narrative. “Now Fauci says this? Is this because pandemic politics have changed for the Biden admin?” He questioned. 

For over the last year, claims that COVID cases are over-reported or that data has been misrepresented were labeled as conspiracy theories. Now the claims come directly from the horse’s mouth.