
Trump Calls For China TO Pay Reparations For Pandemic

With the Wuhan lab leak theory gaining notoriety and credibility, many Americans have began demanding reparations from China. Regardless of how the virus came about, Chinese handling was poor, and resulted in millions of deaths internationally. 

One of these Americans calling for reparations is none other than former President Donald J Trump. According to a statement the 45th Commander In Chief said: 

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“Now everyone, even the so-called “enemy” are beginning to say that President Trump was right about the China virus coming from the Wuhan lab. The correspondence between Dr. Fauci and China speaks too loudly for anyone to ignore. China should pay Ten Trillion Dollars to America and the World, for the death and destruction they have caused!” 

The statement was titled “Statement by Donald J Trump 45th President of the United States of America”. 

Anyone arguing that China’s actions, or failure to act did not cause Americans to die would be lying to themselves, and the person they argue with. 

Twitter users had varying reactions, from jokes, to support, to argumentation.