
School Teacher Persecute Parents For Not Supporting Critical Race Theory

The woke infiltration of our children’s schools, may have gone further than you knew. 

Not only is critical race theory being taught, parents who disagree with it are being shunned from their communities. 

The Daily Mail Wrote:

According to Purdue University, critical race theory scholarship shows how racism continues to be persuasive and why it denies individuals their constitutional rights. It examines the way race and racism influences politics, culture and the law. 

But critics say it leaves people exposed to the training feeling that they are being blamed for problems which they did not cause – such as slavery and Jim Crow – and that it is itself racially divisive. “

According to the Daily Mail, the police are currently investigating a Loundoun County Teachers’ Facebook group for spreading the names of parents who stood opposed to critical race theory. The teachers were also urging members of the group to gather information on the deviant parents. 

Some members of the group went as far as encouraging people to share the addresses of the parents. 

The educators of America’s children, stand together against the freedom of speech that is imbued in our first amendment. 

LCPS Superintendent, Scott Ziegler claimed: ‘We fully support the expression of First Amendment rights and deplore any efforts to silence voices’