
Romney and Rand Paul AGREE on Transgender Sports Issue

The heavily criticized Republican Senator, Mitt Romney, agreed with his Republican colleague, Rand Paul, on transgendered students participating in the sports of their new sex.

In a Senate confirmation hearing for President Biden’s Secretary of Education nominee Miguel Cardona, Paul asked his thoughts on transgender athletes in school sports.

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Cardona said, “If confirmed, it’s my responsibility and my privilege to make sure that we’re following civil rights of all students, and that includes activities that they may engage in high school or athletics.”

 Paul continued to press on, “What do you think in general of boys running in girls’ track meets like they’ve been doing in Connecticut? Do you worry about having boys run in girls’ track meets?”

Cordona replied, “I think it’s appropriate – I think it’s the legal responsibility for schools to provide opportunities for students to participate in activities and this includes students who are transgender.” 

When asked again Cordona responded, ““Respectfully, senator, I believe I answered the question.”

Paul then commented on the difference between the mindset of Cordona and the average American citizen.

He said, “I think the fact that you seem to be afraid to answer the question, or you basically do answer the question by saying it’s ok without saying it’s ok, really is a statement to a real problem we have and a disconnect between middle America and what most Americans actually believe.”

“Who are these people that think it’s okay? From what planet are you from,” Paul asked. 

Later, it was Romney’s turn to speak to Cordona where he made a point to say he agreed with Paul’s questioning and concerns over the issue.

He said, “I want to associate myself with a number of the things that were said by Senator Paul. “That’s not something I say very frequently, but he made a very, very good point. I’ve got pictures of my eight granddaughters, amongst some grandsons, behind me. They shouldn’t be competing with people who are physiologically in an entirely different category.”