
McCarthy: “There’s No Possible Way That We Can Get Every American Out”

The Taliban has warned the United States that there will be unspecified retaliation if American troops have not left Afghanistan by August 31st. 

After consideration, President Biden has announced that he won’t make any attempt at extending the deadline. Our troops will leave the country by the end of the month. 

This leaves the U.S. with 7 days to evacuate countless Americans from Afghanistan. Many of these stranded Americans have no way of getting to the Kabul airport. If they make it to the airport, there’s no guarantee that they will have a flight home.

Tuesday, Kevin McCarthy said “there’s no possible way that we can get every American that’s still in Afghanistan out in the next 7 days” after attending a classified briefing. 

“At no time should America ever bend or allow the Taliban to tell us when we have to stop bringing Americans out. We should stay until every single American is able to get out if Afghanistan and we should use every recourse possible to make this happen.” McCarthy said. 

As of right now, the United State’s plan is to continue evacuating as many people possible, until the clock runs out. 

McCarthy continued by saying “We should not negotiate. We should explain that this is what is going to happen, and anyone in our way, stopping us from bringing Americans out will be in danger.” 

The Republican Representative made his stance clear. Our troops should remain in Afghanistan until every American who wants to leave is out. Anyone who stands in our way should be looking down the barrel of a standard issue.