
Fox Goes 100 Days Without Having A Trump Call On Air

Fox News seems to be drifting away from Donald Trump as the Network goes 100 consecutive days without having the former President on. 

The New York Times alleges that this is a part of Fox’s strategy to eliminate 45 as a major GOP contender. 

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Other networks accused Fox of outright banning Trump “Fox News Banning Trump From Network” Newsmax headlined an article. Evidently, this isn’t true, as of right now there doesn’t seem to be any evidence that Trump is actually banned from Fox. 

Barrack Obama also has not been on a Fox News show in more than 100 days, but this doesn’t mean that he’s banned. 

Trump reportedly complained to an anonymous longtime friend saying that Fox “doesn’t seem to be paying him much attention anymore.”

The decision to “shun” Trump as the Times put it, was reportedly made at the highest levels and was backed by the parent company’s chairman Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan Murdoch who serves as the CEO. 

The pair are both republicans though they’ve developed a disliking of Donald Trump in recent years.