
Democrat Staffer Calls Wisconsin Attack ‘Karma’

Mary Lemanski a Democrat staffer from Dupage county Illinois was fired after a series of tweets mocking the recent attack on a Wisconsin Christmas parade.

“It was probably just self defense,” Lemanski said drawing a non-existent comparison between the terrorist attack, and the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. 

Lemanski said in another tweet, “The blood of Kyle Rittenhouse’s victims is on the hands of Wisconsin citizens, even the children.” It would appear that the staffer was implying some kind of justification for the death of innocent Wisconsin children. 

The truth is, that the blood of the men shot and killed by Rittenhouse is not on the hands of children who live in the state… their blood is on their own hands, as they decided to assault a man possessing a rifle without provocation. 

The Dupage Democrat Party said in a statement, “We 100 percent do not agree with the words that she used and it was better for her not to be a part of this organization.”

“I’m sad anytime anyone dies…I just believe in Karma and this came around quick on the citizens of Wisconsin”Lemanski further explained.

The staffer later apologized for her words calling them distasteful, the damage however was already inflicted. 

Never should a person who views a terrorist attack as “karma” be allowed to serve in government.