
War Waged Across The Southern Border: Guns and Grenades

Fox News host Laura Logan claims “War is raging on America’s door step” as shootouts wage on in the distance.

Logan visited Roma, Texas. Logan reported, that just across the United States southern border intense firefights could be heard for several days originating from Ciudad Miguel, Mexico. 

Automatic rifles could be heard, but action could not be seen from her vantage point overlooking the Mexican city.  however, Jones reported that she identified a .40 caliber grenade launcher exchanging fire. A true weapon of war. 

Logan stated “this is what I’ve been trying to warn about” – “another day at the border” 

An article tweeted from a Mexican Twitter account was headlined “This is what is known of the 19 people who were found murdered and burned near the US Border”. The report comes from Miguel Aleman, or Ciudad Miguel Aleman on January 24th.

All the while Joe Biden continues to make it easier for people from Ciudad Miguel to enter the United States undetected, and illegally. He has spent much of his short time in office undoing the precautions put in place by his predecessor Donald Trump.

In reality we should be taking every necessary step possible to prevent war mongers from entering our civil nation. Unfortunately, this is not how the President sees it.