
Virginia Lt. Gov. Candidate Says Voters Are ‘Sick’ Of Dems Manipulating Black Voters

Winsome Sears, the Republican candidate for Virginia lieutenant governor, has criticized Terry McAuliffe for accusing Glenn Youngkin of trying to ban black authors in an attempt to get more votes.

Sears also criticized Democrats for manipulating black voters in each election cycle and causing racial division.

On Tuesday, Sears was featured on “Fox and Friends First” where she explained “This is what the Democrats do over and over again”.

They come into the Black community and they try to gin up our anger over some supposed threat or some supposed slight, and then we’re supposed to run out and vote for them because they’re coming to save us.

She continued, saying “They’re our political saviors, folks, here come the Democrats”. “They are the cavalry… and this is the year it’s going to get old because we are sick of it”.

Sears also mentioned Democrat Terry McAuliffe’s accusation that his opponent, Glenn Youngkin, was trying to get black-authored books banned from schools.

On NBC’s “Meet the Press”, McAuliffe claimed “He’s going after one of the most preeminent African American, female writers in American history, won the Nobel prize, has the presidential medial of freedom”. “And he wants her books banned. Out of all the hundreds of books you could look at, why did you take the one, Black female author?” he added.

The book in question is Toni Morrison’s “Beloved”, a novel on slavery that references sex and violence. Youngkin had sided with parents that wanted to know beforehand if their children were going to be exposed to the novel.

Sears restated that the black community is tired of manipulation from Democrats, saying “We want them to go find another victim. You see that they come and they try to get our vote, but only at election time, people, and after that, they are gone again for another four years”.

As parents are becoming increasingly involved in their children’s education, Sears noted how important it is to see each candidate’s stance on education. “It’s simple. People are voting for their children,” Sears stated.

“McAuliffe told us that parents don’t matter in education… and the Virginia Constitution tells us as it is written, that parents are responsible for the upbringing of their children,” she added.