
Trump Claims FBI Stole Three Of His Passports During Raid

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On the search warrant detailing seized materials from Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, there was no mention of passports. 

Now Trump is claiming in Truth Social that when the FBI raided his home they took three of his passports, two current and one expired.

The former President calls the action “an assault on a political opponent”. The Passports are not classified information, nor are they the property of the federal government. What could they possibly hope to learn by taking them and essentially ensuring that Trump can’t travel internationally? 

“Wow! In the raid by the FBI of Mar-a-Lago, they stole my three Passports (one expired), along with everything else. This is an assault on a political opponent at a level never seen before in our Country,” he said. 

When Biden’s Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre was questioned about how Joe Biden discovered that the raid had taken place, a non-response was given. 

“Can you tell us anything more? Was he watching the news, was he scrolling Twitter?  Did someone in his staff flag it for him?” The Press Secretary was asked. 

She responded by saying “I can tell you this, he was not uh… aware of… of… of… uh… well he- of… of the uh… what is it the Mar-a-Lago raid? I don’t know what you guys are calling it, uh.. uh… before it happened.” 

She not only failed to answer the question but seems to dance around the word “raid” as if this isn’t exactly what had happened. 

During the raid, security cameras were shut off, and now the department of Justice refuses to allow a third party review the documents to determine if they are truly what the bureau claims they are. 

The investigation has almost no transparency, the FBI is making claims that have thus far been not been proved. If Trump truly had materials worthy of charging him under the espionage act at his home, why hasn’t he been charged?