
Hunter Biden Calls Asians ‘Yellow’

Hunter Biden has openly admitted that the infamous laptop was probably his. Indicating that the contents of the computer were likely legitimate. It’s hard to believe that anyone regardless of how high they were could not remember their personal computer especially if they used it sober. 

The New York Post wrote, First son Hunter Biden used the racial slur “yellow” to refer to Asian women in a January 2019 text message to cousin Caroline Biden about getting fixed up with someone, according to a new report.

In the conversation Hunter’s cousin Caroline, daughter of Joe’s brother spoke of hooking Hunter up with one of her friends. Caroline asked “do you want foreign or domestic?” Hunter eventually said “no yellow” indicating no Asian women. 

Last week Hunter was caught in a separate racially problematic situation when it was revealed that he used the “n” word repeatedly. 

Hunter said ““How much money do I owe you, becaause [sic] n—a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates,” to his white attorney George Mesires. 

One has to wonder if this behavior is indicative of Hunter’s upbringing. Joe Biden also has a history of racially charged statements towards Asians. In 2006 the President said “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”