
George Floyd Square becomes a warzone

Earlier today, within the confines of the newly minted no-go zone of “George Floyd Square”, a volley of roughly two dozen gunshots were captured during a live report with Associated Press reporter Philip Crowther. In what has become about as predictable as a sunrise, the no-go zone that was, supposedly, established to memorialize Floyd on the one year anniversary of his death – his family set to speak hours before this incident occurred – he already deteriorated into a condensed terrarium of the violence that has made the city of Minneapolis less habitable for residence and commerce alike for a year now. Footage capturing the attack has gone viral, being viewed over one million times in just four hours. One woman was hospitalized with a non-life-threatening injury.

The footage depicts Philip Crowther as well as several other pedestrians seemingly unaware of what popping sounds in an urban setting could be, as they nonchalantly move about while others nearby with intact survival instincts hit the ground for cover.

Police are reportedly banned from entering the area, which is centered at East 38th Street and Chicago Avenue; compounding the unlikelihood that any suspects will be detained for questioning nor any arrests relating to this incident. Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey has expressed sympathy toward those up-ending his city and, just two weeks ago, announced a plan to allow a force of “unarmed civilians” to enforce traffic laws – a potent illustration of the city’s absence of leadership, dwindling law enforcement capabilities, and capitulation to extremism. How a detachment of defenseless conscripts is meant to patrol and enforce laws of any kind in even less brass-littered sections of the city remains unclear at this time.


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