
Democrats Continue Push For Federal Abortion Right In Congress

Democrats are seeking a solution in the house that would defy the Supreme Court’s Donna v Jackson Ruling, and nullify state laws. 

“Today is one of the darkest days our country has ever seen,” Chuck Schumer said. “Millions upon millions of American women are having their rights taken from them by five unelected Justices on the extremist MAGA court.”

One of the darkest days America has ever seen? Slavery, 9/11, Pearl Harbor, Jim Crowe, the Vietnam War, countless school shootings, and a global pandemic but Chuck Schumer thinks that abortion being returned to state legislatures is among these dark days? 

Nancy Pelosi is working to develop a “right to cross state lines” for an abortion. Providing such a right would completely undermine any and all state laws regarding abortion. 

“I am not going to stand idly by while Republicans rip away abortion rights, drag this country back by half a century, and gear up for a national abortion ban,” said Patty Murray, D-Wash. 

Mitch McConnell responded to Democrat hysteria by saying, “The Supreme Court, in effect, corrected an error when in 1973, the court simply found something in the Constitution that was not there. What this decision does is simply return this very sensitive issue to the people’s representatives.”

The Supreme Courts’ job is to make rulings based on provisions in the constitution. Justices cannot litigate, Nor may they invent rights. The constitution does not establish any right to abortion directly or indirectly. 

The 1973 court invented the “right to an abortion” it was seemingly pulled out of thin air with virtually no legitimate reasoning. 

The 10th amendment makes clear that rights not established in the document are to be delegated to the states individually.