
Cuomo Impeachment “The Time Has Come”

After controversy and allegations of sexual assault surround New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, impeachment has come for him. 

Fox News Wrote: 

“Republicans in the New York State Assembly on Monday announced an impeachment resolution against Gov. Andrew Cuomo, saying they believe the Democratic governor has lost “credibility and trust” and has an “inability to lead” the state of New York amid sexual harassment allegations leveled against him and investigations into his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

New York State Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay, alongside other Republicans, laid out the plan to introduce an impeachment resolution on Monday.”

Luckily this is not a completely partisan movement. Many democrats are on board due to their loss of faith in the governor. Barclay feels Cuomo lost trust and credibility and now has “an inability to lead” 

As if Cuomo ever had an ability to lead in the first place. During Cuomo’s time in office he has constantly neglected the parts of his state that do not give him votes. 

Time after time he has let his people down, and it is time for him to go. As of now Cuomo has left resignation off the table.