
Covid Death And Case Rates Plummet Worldwide

When the Omicron variant first surfaced scientists had predicted that the new strain would be the solution to the COVID-19 pandemic. New data shows, that their predictions may have been accurate. 

According to the Daily Mail, Britain’s COVID infections have fallen by 23%. Data shows that cases per week have decreased by 12,825 from the 54,095 reported last week. 

On top of this case plummet, the deaths have fallen to 52. This is a 30% decrease from the previously reported 75 on February 6. 

The Mail alleges that the record shows a 12 consecutive day streak of decreasing infections. The last increase was reported on the first of February, though the total number of cases has been exponentially dropping since halfway through January. 

Omicron is far more transmissible than the previous Delta variant but at the same time far less lethal. The symptoms are incredibly weak and appear to pose very little threat to individuals without pre-existing conditions. The death rate is currently so low, that it doesn’t seem to be tracked anywhere. 

The theory is that if Omicron is spread to the masses, nearly all who become infected will survive and walk away, creating a state of widespread natural immunity. This theory is backed by the Chief of Health in Denmark along with many other experts and researchers around the globe.  

Essentially every individual who has had a 

case of COVID-19 and survived have walked away with some type of natural immunity which greatly reduces the risk of hospitalization and death.