
Caitlyn Jenner: I Had The BALLS To Stand Up For Women And Girls In Sports

Caitlyn Jenner is once again making headlines as she criticizes biologically male athletes competing as transgender women in female sports leagues. Jenner is not only a male-to-female transgender but also an Olympic gold medalist, making her something of an expert on the topic of transgender individuals in sports. 

‘PinkNews’ tweeted out “Caitlyn Jenner launches yet another disgraceful attack on trans athletes without a bunt of irony,” soon after, Jenner clapped back by saying “No, I just had the balls to stand up for women and girls in sports.” 

Jenner, who won her gold medal as a man long before having ever transitioned has made her stance on trans athletes very clear from the very begging. “I don’t think biological boys should compete in women’s sports – we have to protect women’s sports,” she told the Daily Mail. 

Men and women are different. There’s no question about it. Their bone structures differ, and male bones are typically stronger. In fact, according to “” The biological sex of an adult skeleton can be determined with 95% accuracy by measuring the hip bones alone, 83% accuracy by the skull, and 80% accuracy by the long bones (femur & tibia).

Male and female bodies also have differing muscular structures. Men competing against women is simply not fair unless all parties are willing to compete in a co-Ed league. 

There are some very strong women that could beat out most men, but on average, men will outperform women in athletic competition even if the margin of win is very small.