
WATCH: Biden Snaps on Reporter for Asking a Questions about Midterms

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Biden Attempted to Brush off questions about his lack of campaign trail appearances for the midterms, resulting in him snapping at a reporter who was pressing him on the matter.

“John Fetterman is going to appear with you today in Pennsylvania, but there haven’t been that many candidates campaigning with you. Why?” – Reporter

“That’s not true. There have been 15! Count, kid, count! Alright?,” – Biden

“Okay and are there going to be even more?” – Reporter

“Yea!” – Biden

Biden was scheduled to a private meeting with Fetterman, but it was changed to a public appearance.

“[Biden] has plans to be in Pennsylvania and Florida, but behind closed doors with two of the Democratic candidates, There’s a White House office of political affairs. Have they been getting phone calls from candidates in some of those other states — Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan — to say, we’d love to have the president come?” -a reporter told Jean-Pierre at the briefing.

“I don’t have any calls to read out, “We don’t have any calls or personal conversations to read out.” – Jean-Pierre

Another Clip is right here