
Lt. Col. Scheller Incarcerated After Speaking Out Against Leadership

After Joe Biden’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, many members of the armed services lost faith in their leadership. Believing that those above them were unfit to lead. 

One such person was Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller. After the death of 13 U.S. service members and countless Afghan civilians at the Kabul airport Scheller posted a video on social media detailing his thoughts on the situation. 

Scheller asked questions directed at his leadership, and the leadership of the country while also openly criticizing them. 

Stuart Scheller was repeatedly asked not to make posts about the situation, and to stay quiet by the corps. Ultimately he felt as though it was his duty to stand up against a lack in leadership.

Now the Lieutenant Colonel is being incarcerated by the marine corps. A spokesperson said that Scheller is “currently in pre-trial confinement,” and “will be afforded all due process.”

The Marines father said “All our son did is ask the questions that everybody was asking themselves, but they were too scared to speak out loud.” 

His family, and his brothers and sisters in the marines feel as though Scheller was doing the country a service in speaking out at a time when the government was leading soldiers to their slaughter. 

Since this time it has been confirmed that a retaliatory strike ordered by the Biden administration killed no terrorists but in fact only killed civilians. Most of those killed were children. 

The strike killed a total of 10 people and 7 were  under the age of 10 years old. 

Family members of those murdered spoke out claiming that the Kabul compound was a family home. Witnesses regaled horrific stories of using water buckets to quell the flames and later finding the mangled remains of neighborhood kids.