
Biden Says Second Term Hinges On His Health

President Biden says that his re-election campaign hinges on his health – “I’m a great respecter of fate.” 

The President is currently 79 years of age, only two years younger than Nancy Pelosi and one younger than Dr. Anthony Fauci. By the end of a second term, Biden would be 86 years old, and the oldest President ever to serve. 

He already shows a lack of cognitive ability. Joe often falls asleep, struggles to form complete English sentences, and doesn’t seem to always know what state he’s in while on the road. 

Biden insists that he’s currently in good health. “If I’m in the health I’m in now, I’m in good health, then in fact – I would run again,” he said. 

Biden went as far as to say that he’d be even more likely to run again if his opponent was Donald J. Trump. This seems like the last thing the President should want, after the closeness of the 2020 election. 

“You’re trying to tempt me now. Sure. Why would I not run against Donald Trump if he were the nominee? That would increase the prospect of running,” he proclaimed. 

Donald Trump is roughly 4 years younger than his successor. If he were to serve another term, he’d re-enter office nearly as old as Joe Biden when he was elected. Though, Trump has consistently proved himself in a more stable mental state than Biden.