
Another Student Deceased After Michigan School Shooting

Wednesday, at Oxford High-School in Michigan a shooting took place. It’s alleged that the 15 year old had attended classes before exiting the bathroom with a handgun. 

The shooter was Ethan Crumbley, who’s father had apparently purchased the handgun on Black Friday. 

An Instagram post allegedly from Ethan’s account displays an image of his hand holding the gun that was used to carry out the attack. 

“Just got my new beauty today SIG” he said in the caption of his ominous post. 

As of right now, 4 students have died as a result of injuries incurred during the attack. 3 students were initially killed, and a fourth in the hospital Wednesday morning. 

At least 8 others are wounded and being treated at 3 hospitals in close proximity to the school. 

Among the initial victims are 17 year old Madisyn Baldwin who had been accepted into a plethora of colleges already, 14 year old Hana St. Juliana, and 16 year old Tate Myre who succumbed to his injuries in the back of a police car. 

The most recent death is a 17 year old named Justin Shilling who passed away Wednesday morning around 10 A.M. 

The other 8 victims include a 14 year old girl in critical condition as a result of gunshots to the neck and chest, a 14 year old boy who was shot in the head and in critical condition, another 14 year old boy who was shot in the jaw and head, a stable 17 year old girl with a gunshot wound to her neck and a 15 year old boy with a shot to his leg. 

A 47 year old teacher was also shot. Luckily she was only grazed by the bullet and was quickly sent home. 

As of right now Crumbley has been allegedly charged with 1 count of terrorism causing death, 4 counts of first degree murder, 7 counts of assault with intent to murder, and 12 counts of firearm possession while in the commission of a felony. 

The death penalty has been constitutionally banned in Michigan since 1963, Crumbley will not die by the hand of the Michigan State Government but can be legally placed in prison for the rest of his life.