
School Board President Says “F–k You” To Concerned Parents Over Mic

It seems as though there has been a war brewing in America between agitated parents and school boards who refuse to listen. 

Recently, the President of a California school board began uttering vulgarities at a parent who dared to criticize her. 

A concerned parent named Lauren Roupoli, attended a Los Alamitos Unified School District Board of Education meeting. She spoke out about mask mandates and the issues that she feels come along with them. 

Fox News reported, In her fiery speech, she accused one board member of criticizing parents for voicing their legitimate concerns. She drew applause when she said, “We are vocal because we are our children’s biggest advocates.”

Ironically, after calling out the board for not taking legitimate concerns seriously, the boards President picked up a microphone and said “F—k you” during the applause. This only further proved the point that Roupoli was attempting to make.

The President, Marlys Davidson, issued an apology claiming that the public “must be heard with respect.” 

“I reaffirm my commitment to serve our community with dignity and integrity, and I hope they will accept my sincere apology,” she said. 

This apology does not seem sincere. If it were, and if Davidson truly believed that the public must be heard with respect, she would not have grabbed a hot mic and swore at a concerned parent in the first place. 

It would appear that Davidson is only hoping to mitigate the PR disaster that she likely created with those two words.