
Pfizer Scientist Admits Natural Immunity Is Stronger Than Vaccine

Project Veritas has struck journalistic gold once again. This time, the organization went undercover and interviewed Pfizer scientists with questions in relation to the COVID-19 vaccine. 

All three scientists interviewed openly admitted that naturally immune persons have stronger immunity to COVID-19 than those who have been vaccinated. 

Pfizer scientist Nick Karl said, “When somebody is naturally immune, like they got COVID… they probably have better, like, not better but more antibodies against the virus.” He further explained that the vaccine only protects people against one part of the virus. “When you actually get the virus, you’re going to start producing antibodies against multiple pieces of the virus.”

Karl also however seemed to be in favor of vaccine mandates as an appropriate solution to getting Americans vaccinated. 

As Karl continued speaking he seemed momentarily worried, “Oh god… I signed NDA’s against this.” Not only exposing his failure to keep his companies secret, but also exposing his company for expecting him to keep those secrets. 

Rahul Khandke, Scientist for Pfizer said “Like, we’re like bred and taught to be like.. like ‘vaccine is safer than actually getting COVID.’ And that’s like, like, honestly we had to do so many seminars… on this like you have no idea. Like we have to sit there for hours and hours and listen to them be like, ‘you cannot like talk about this… it’s not in public.’”

Senior Associate Scientist for Pfizer, Chris Croce said on camera “I mean I still feel like I work for an evil corporation ‘cause it comes down to profits…” he went on to explain “Basically, our organization is run on COVID money now.”

When a project Veritas reporter asked Croce if she would be protected by her natural immunity from having COVID-19 despite not being vaccinated he responded with “that’s no worries, same with my brother.”

The reporter asked “So should I get the vaccine?” He responded with “Wait.” “So I’m protected just as much as the vaccine?” the reporter asked. Croce responded with “probably more.”

The scientist explained that it seems like there’s always someone listening and even asked the reporter if she was wearing a wire.