
NJ Mother Accuses Chuck E. Cheese Of Racism

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Is Chuck E. Cheese a racist monster? According to one New Jersey mother, the answer is yes. 

The accusation arose as the costumed mascot high-fived several children but apparently ignored a small black girl in front of him who was seeking a one up top. 

“On July 30 at Chuck E Cheese in Wayne, NJ, my [two-year-old] was racially discriminated against. As you can see, he gives all of the yt (white) kids hi-5s & PURPOSELY ignored my black baby,” the mother tweeted.

The manager of the establishment claimed that the mascot simply could not see the young girl, and perhaps this is the case considering how likely difficult it is to see out if the giant mouse mask on his head. 

At the same time, it could have been for any number of other reasons, and it’s quite bold if the mother to assume that race was the only factor. 

Perhaps the mascot had previously seen the small child picking her nose just prior, or maybe he really did not see the young girl who was right beneath his eye holes that look only forward. 

Directly after, the mascot knelt down for a photo with the young girl and flashed a thumbs up for the camera, the mother tweeted the photo. 

“I wasn’t for it but Safa was still innocently following him around — of course, unaware of what just happened,” she said, claiming that the manager had insisted on the photo.