
New York Teachers Protest Vaccine Mandates On Brooklyn Bridge

A teacher’s group was seen marching across the Brooklyn Bridge protesting mandatory COVID vaccinations with some yelling against Joe Biden.

A video shared Monday shows people chanting “F–k Joe Biden” as they marched across the bridge.

Many protesters held signs with some reading “My body, my choice” and “I call the shots”. Videos were also shared from the Brooklyn Pier of protesters joining in the anti-Biden chants.

On Monday, a protest was held in Foley Square by Teachers For Choice, an organization that says it “opposes forced medical mandates for anyone to keep their job, especially educators”.

Hundreds of people gathered in Foley Square, including retired teachers, other school staff members, and parents. They, along with current teachers, criticized mandatory vaccines in order for people to keep their jobs. The “Freedom Rally” protesters then headed for the Brooklyn Bridge.

A retired teacher, Amy Carroll, told PIX11 ‘I should be able to make my own health decisions and make a decision that doesn’t affect my employment that doesn’t affect my right to go to a restaurant, or a Broadway play, a museum”.

Her husband, Bill, who is also a retired teacher, added “I think what they’re doing in America, they’re taking away our rights about all decisions, medical decisions, we’re standing here we’re letting the government take over everything”.

Last month is was announced that all employees of the Department of Education must be vaccinated by September 27. Teachers for Choice has said it will file a lawsuit against the city over the vaccine mandate.