
California Democrat Funds ‘Gay’ Billboards In Florida

Kim Mangone, the former Democrat nominee for Congress against Kevin McCarthy, has asked for help to “humiliate Ron DeSantis and Florida Republicans for their disgusting and shameful behavior”.

Sharing photos of the “Gay” and “Say Gay” billboards on Twitter, Mangone said “Every single dollar helps us get more”.

On the donation page, which benefits Southern Progress, it says the billboard was approved by “a number of billboard vendors and other media vendors including advertisement on the tops of vehicles throughout Florida”.

Southern Progress, a political action committee opposing Republican politicians in southern states, is trying to raise $300,000 for the advertisements.

“The project was also promoted by MeidasTouch, a Democrat-linked political action committee that claimed to be partnering with Southern Progress,” reported the Daily Caller.

Souther Progress says its mission is to “speak truth to power and expose the extremist agenda of Republican politicians that seek power for themselves while trampling on the rights of the people they claim to represent”.

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Adam Parkhomenko, who is working with Southern Progress and MeidasTouch, tweeted “Ron DeSantis and Florida Republicans have pissed us all off. So this week we are going to cover the state of Florida in these in response”.

“You might want to figure out what the law actually is and what the bill actually says before you embarrass yourself and waste money on the dumbest billboard campaign of all time. Just a suggestion,” said Matt Walsh in response to Mangone’s tweets.


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