
Black Journalist Locked Out Of Twitter For Criticizing BLM Co-Founder

The censorship of deviant political speech continues on social media. 

A defiant black sports journalist, Jason Whitlock was locked out of his Twitter account after criticizing the co-founder of Black Lives Matter. He allegedly violated guidelines relating to “private information” 

He spoke out about Co-founder of BLM and self proclaimed Patrisse Cullors buying a 1.4 million dollar home in a move that was hypocritical to her own ideology. 

Twitter however had no issues allowing stories relating to Trumps tax returns to float around Twitter. 

The black journalist said “She had a lot of options on where to live. She chose one of the whitest places in California. She’ll have her pick of white cops and white people to complain about. That’s a choice, bro.”

Twitter picks and chooses what stories apply to its “guidelines” in a biased fashion and suppress ideas that they do not agree with. But this is nothing new

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