In recent days, those navigating the social media platform X, once known as Twitter, likely came across the startling gesture Elon Musk made during the closure of his inauguration ceremony. Some speculate that this gesture reflected symptoms of his autism, as Musk had publicly announced his diagnosis of Asperger’s, now recognized as a form of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), during a Saturday Night Live skit several years ago. This created a dialogue around if Musk’s behavior and peculiar gesture are related to his ASD.
While some pundits and advocates may assert that symptoms of autism and activities seen as directed prejudice are usually unrelated, it’s important to note here that a diagnosis of autism does not justify harmful behavior, whether intended or not. Autism may lead individuals to find difficulties in social contexts, but it doesn’t suggest they will resort to provocative actions. Individuals on the spectrum like anyone else, can comprehend societal norms with the right guidance and understand the consequences of their acts.
Jennifer Vincent, a veteran mental health counselor who works with autistic and neurodiverse individuals, clarifies that autism doesn’t eliminate one’s ability to experience remorse, empathy, or guilt for their behavior. She emphasizes the notion that despite challenges with social cues, autistic individuals can still develop an understanding of the implications of their actions.
Some social media users inferred that Musk’s unexpected gesture might be due to dyspraxia, a disorder involving movement and coordination often seen in children with autism. According to Amelia Kelley, a trauma-informed therapist who works with autistic and neurodiverse clients, such movements can occur naturally as autistic individuals process sensory input and social interaction, but it doesn’t necessarily lead to intentional provocative gestures.
Lauren Dawson, a neurodiversity coach who herself is autistic, has also discussed her occasional difficulties with coordination, a symptom correlated with dyspraxia. Pushing stereotypes aside, Dawson asserts that while she may misjudge her body’s spatial positioning and often collide into objects, that doesn’t equate to deliberate gesticulation.
There’s a clear distinction between uncoordinated movement and deliberate, repeated action, Dawson eloquently points out. Autism or dyspraxia doesn’t cause her to make saluting gestures, which seems to challenge the common justification making rounds in social media.
ASD, as outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), entails a catalogue of symptoms such as difficulties with conversational reciprocity, avoiding eye contact, rigidity of routine, fixations on particular interests, and sensory discomforts, among others. But these clinical descriptions should be topped with personal accounts to understand autism’s wide-ranging manifestations better.
It is paramount to engage with people who live with the condition while discussing it – especially when it revolves around controversial public debates. An individual’s experiences, like Dawson’s sensitivity to sensory stimuli or her need for solitude, play a significant role in illustrating the wide spectrum of autism.
Furthermore, Dawson notes that each person’s autism presentation might differ. The presence of ASD doesn’t imply the person will resort to offensive actions or speeches, which points back to Musk’s case. His known affiliations with controversial figures might be the source of focus in this instance.
It’s crucial to consider a person’s character and personal history, rather than focusing solely on their neurotype when evaluating such instances. Recognizing the undercurrent of this debate and its far-reaching impact is of equal importance.
Some individuals relate Musk’s gesture with autism either due to formed beliefs about the condition or in an attempt to provide a simplistic defense for Musk. This defense could be a mix of misconceptions and genuine support. However, Musk himself did not associate his gesture to autism, which indicates the need for cognitive empathy rather than oversimplification.
Musk, in his influential stature, has an exceptional chance to highlight and appreciate the diverse contributions of neurodiversity. He can shed light on how such traits can be sometimes misunderstood. Suggesting that certain harmful tendencies should be overlooked due to autism promotes a risky stereotype that ASD individuals are prone to such behaviors.
The autism community we reached out to expressed strong sentiments when asked about the defense provided for Musk. The resounding chorus was one of being abhorred, incredibly perturbed, inflamed, and disappointed. They stressed that being autistic doesn’t grant permission to freely insult oneself or others and provoke feelings of shame.