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WATCH: Hunter Biden to Face ‘Serious Charges’ Over Tax Violations and False Statements

Former AG Barr Suspects DOJ Nearing a Charging Decision for Hunter Biden Case


Former Attorney General William Barr has indicated that Hunter Biden is to face “serious charges” after a years-long investigation into alleged tax violations and false statements while purchasing a firearm. Barr said he suspects the DOJ, which has been working on the case, are “nearing a charging decision”.

The recent meeting between federal prosecutor and Hunter Biden’s attorneys indicates the case may be advancing. The investigation has been a slow process, likely due to the case’s complicated tax issues as well as allegations of corruption made by Republican lawmakers.

Meanwhile, Barr said he shared concerns about the “abuses of power” conducted by Hunter Biden and his foreign business dealings with foreign companies including some associated with the Chinese Communist Party.

GOP lawmakers have stated that Hunter Biden’s business dealings under former President Barack Obama should face investigations over alleged corruption. At this point, it remains to be seen whether Hunter Biden will ultimately be found guilty in a court of law. However, Barr added, there is a difference between abuses of power and something that can actually be proven as a crime.

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Despite allegations of slow progress, it is essential the DOJ fully investigates all potential legal matters around Hunter Biden. The DOJ has faced new criticisms over their handling of the investigation, specifically around the perception of conflict of interest between Trump-era investigators and the current administration.

The probe into alleged tax violations and false statements continues, with multiple steps still remaining including involving the Internal Revenue Service. However, Gary Shapley, a whistleblower and 14-year IRS veteran, has recently suggested that some steps in the investigation were “slow-walked” or simply neglected.

Shapley was assigned to the Hunter Biden case in January of 2020 and began documenting his concerns around June of that year. In addition to these criticisms, others have emerged around the DOJ’s handling of the investigation since it was launched during former President Donald Trump’s term and has carried over into the Biden administration.

CBS News reports that charges against Hunter Biden were expected following the November midterms, but not yet files. This has contributed to an ongoing public conversation about the DOJ’s handling of Hunter Biden’s case.



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