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WATCH: James Carville Lose it After 26 Year Old Voters Refuse to Vote for Biden

Trump’s Growing Appeal Threatens Biden and Democrats’ Grip on Power

Democrat thought leader, James Carville, appears to have reached the end of his patience with the young demographic’s hesitance to rally behind President Joe Biden for the upcoming November election. He asserted in a video that if the former president, Donald Trump, were to be re-elected, it could result in the collapse of governmental institutions and a severe curtailing of civil liberties.

In Carville’s eyes, young Americans’ priorities have somewhat relaxed from student loans and the continuing conflict in Palestine. Instead, according to a recent survey by Harvard Youth, they seem to focus more on issues such as the growing lack of affordable housing, increasing interest rates, and the ongoing debate over abortion rights.

Carville’s frustrations have intensified in the wake of fresh data from a CNN poll released last Sunday. This pointed to President Biden’s potential re-election bid being awash in troubled waters. The American populace seems to be largely dissatisfied with his presidential term.

The poll, completed between April 18 to April 23, shows a striking divergence of public opinion between the presidential terms of Trump and Biden. The margin of error for the poll was a mere 3.4 percent.

Out of the 1212 likely voters that were surveyed, an impressive 55 percent perceived Trump’s presidency as having been a success. Conversely, only 44 percent deemed it a failure. In contrast, Biden’s presidency seems enveloped by a more daunting cloud of pessimism.

A mere 39 percent of participants agreed that he’s had a successful term, while a sizable 61 percent classified his presidency as a failure. Such dismal rating for the current Democrat in office doesn’t bode well as the general election looms closer.

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A closer look at the data shows that of those who took the survey, 49 percent voiced their intention to cast their vote for Trump. A lesser number, 43 percent, expressed backing for Biden in the November election. A somewhat indecisive 8 percent was rather unsure about who they would be supporting.

When the electoral competition expands to include a five-way race, Biden’s road to re-election seems to get rockier with Trump comfortably snatching the majority of the support. If the independent candidates are factored into the mix, the poll illustrates that Trump would command the support of 42 percent of voters. Biden lags behind at 33 percent. The independent candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., would secure 16 percent of the vote. Other independent candidates, such as Cornel West and Green Party candidate Jill Stein, would receive four and three percent of the vote, respectively.

The prospect of a second Trump term has left the Democratic party considerably worried, and this panic is likely derived from their controversial decision to back Biden, aged 81, for another run at the presidency. The Democratic establishment finds itself handcuffed to Biden at a time when his lackluster record is taking a toll on their political prospects.

Not only is the party’s grip on the presidential office under threat, but Biden’s widespread perception as a failing president is also likely to have a trickle-down effect on other political races. The Democratic party’s stronghold on power in the upcoming general elections, from the presidency down to local seats, appears to be on thin ice.


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