
WATCH: Elon Musk and Joe Rogan Shed Light on ‘The Twitter Files’


Tech magnate Elon Musk and popular podcast host Joe Rogan took a deep dive into what they labeled the ‘Twitter Files’ on a recent episode of ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’. This provocative discussion examined claims that a social media giant has in fact, been utilized to serve certain governmental influences.

The ‘Twitter Files’, as they are now known, are a series of internal documents leaked by investigative journalists unveiling purported collaboration between Twitter and the government, allegedly, to exercise control over content.

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One shocking revelation from their discussion pointed towards an alleged incident where Twitter went so far as to be implicated in stifling the New York Post’s controversial report on Hunter Biden’s laptop in the lead up to the 2020 elections.

The outspoken Musk did not mince words, putting forth his view that Twitter has essentially morphed into an extension of governmental apparatus controlling the narrative and muffling non-left-wing perspectives.

Navigating the waters of this debate, Musk submitted, ‘The public vastly underestimated the degree to which Twitter had transformed into a state-owned entity. It acted much like a state propaganda publisher.’ He suggested that Twitter’s close links with the government were significantly opaque, deceiving the general public.

Rogan, always the inquisitor, questioned Musk about his understanding of the pervasive culture in Twitter’s management that seemingly endorsed a markedly left-leaning orientation. Musk contended, ‘There was an unmistakable subjugation of any perspective that diverged from the left, dare I say even centrist views were not spared. However, it was the right-leaning standpoints that bore the brunt of this oppression.’ He was adamantly not referring to the extreme right, but rather perspectives that are even slightly to the right of center. His claim was that Republicans experienced suppression at a rate far greater than Democrats did.

Musk went on to comment on the impact of Twitter’s geographical roots in the noticeably liberal leaning city of San Francisco. He believed that this played a significant role in infusing Twitter’s operations with a distinctly left-wing bias. ‘Under the influence of the extreme left, the original avatar of Twitter took a radical turn that was never planned. Indeed, it inadvertently became, as I see it, a potent tool for propagating a far-left agenda.’

Not one to shy away from challenges, Musk suggested that the initial premise of Twitter as a community-driven platform for open dialogue had been hijacked and converted into a controlled narrative machine with skewed bias.

The cataclysmic conversation also featured investigative journalist Matt Taibbi and his ordeal with the Internal Revenue Service. Instrumental in releasing the ‘Twitter Files’, Taibbi had the groundwork for revealing the extent of Twitter’s efforts to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 election.

Equipped with insights from Musk among others, Taibbi was able to publicly disclose the intricate mechanism by which Twitter exerted its control. These revelations have naturally raised questions and concerns about transparency, governmental influence, and freedom of speech on the social media platform.

Rogan expressed his shock at such allegations, passionately exclaiming, ‘It’s just so blatant and so in your face!’ This was especially so with the mention of Viyaja Gadde, the former head of legal, policy, and trust at Twitter, whose role in the alleged suppression drive and ‘hacked materials’ policy was a subject of much debate. Any role that Gadde might have played in these events could shape opinions about the far-reaching extent of Twitter’s presumed bias.

From the intriguing conversation between Musk and Rogan, what echoes loudly are the looming concerns around the extent of control, influence, and censorship that are leveraged on various platforms, and their sustaining or undermining effects on the democratic discourse. At the heart of this discussion is the question: Is a popular platform like Twitter being weaponized to serve certain interests over others?

The narrative spun in the ‘Twitter Files’ appears to have reinforced some commonly held views about big tech, particularly concerning the notion that the power to control narratives and shape public opinion often lies beyond the scope of ordinary users. This conversation serves to underscore the need for greater transparency and accountability from such platforms.

The findings of the ‘Twitter Files’, as discussed by Musk and Rogan, have the potential to influence the way we understand the role of social media in our society. While these revelations might appear shocking to some, they largely reflect an undercurrent of skepticism that has long existed around the business practices of big tech.

The conversation between Musk and Rogan paints a worrying picture about possible encroachments on freedom of expression and the manipulation of public discourse. When platforms like Twitter, initially created to foster open conversation, can be accused of stifling and controlling narratives, it seems that the true nature of these platforms is exposed, raising deep, pressing questions about their role in society.

In the wake of the ‘Twitter Files’, calls for regulatory scrutiny and structural reforms get louder. As platforms like Twitter increasingly become a part of the public discourse, the necessity for a fair and transparent operation comes under the spotlight.

In conclusion, the dialogue between Elon Musk and Joe Rogan sheds light on the debate regarding the dynamic and possibly manipulative relationship between social media platforms, governments, and public opinion. The ‘Twitter Files’ saga is a stark reminder of the extent to which information, or the manipulation of it, has the potential to influence societal narratives.

As listeners, and as participants in this digital age, it is crucial to remain vigilant, informed, and critical in our interactions with such platforms. The perspectives brought forth by Rogan and Musk can serve as catalysts to ongoing discussions about the neutrality, influence, and power dynamics embedded within popular social media platforms like Twitter.