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Comer Reveals the Biden’s are Set to be Subpoenaed in the Next Few Days


In a recent discussion on ‘The Lou Dobbs Podcast’, House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) shed light on his relentless pursuit of truth regarding the financial affairs of the Biden family.

Comer unveiled his intent to issue a subpoena to the Biden family amidst mounting evidence of undisclosed transactions that surfaced during the impeachment inquiry into President Biden. ‘We are on the brink of serving the Bidens with a subpoena, it’s just a matter of days now,’ Comer shared with Dobbs, augmenting the palpable anticipation.

The painstaking investigation led by Comer has unearthed more than $22 million in unreported transactions linking the Bidens to businessmen from Ukraine, Romania, China, Kazakhstan, among other nations.

These revelations have thrust the Biden family into the international spotlight, compelling a deeper probe into their financial maneuvers.

One of the most startling discoveries made by the relentless investigative team was a $40,000 check issued to President Biden from his brother, James Biden. This critical piece of evidence was first reported by the DC Enquirer, raising further intrigue about the family’s financial dealings.

The plot thickened in the summer of 2017 when Hunter Biden, in his correspondence with a high-ranking executive from the Chinese firm CEFC, made concerning demands. He urged the executive to ensure a swift transfer of $10 million to his account, threatening repercussions if the demand was not met.

In an unexpected turn of events, an affiliate of CEFC complied with Hunter’s demand, although only half the amount was transferred. $5 million found its way into Hunter’s account subsequent to his stark ultimatum. This transfer set off a chain of transactions, seemingly calculated to cloak the incoming money.

The trail led to Hudson West III, a joint venture forged by Hunter Biden along with a CEFC partner. The incoming $5 million was routed there, obscuring its provenance and setting into motion a series of subsequent transactions.

Hunter’s firm Owasco P.C. then became a part of this convoluted financial maneuver when it received $400,000 from the previously transferred funds. The money trail was purposely made complex, making it challenging for investigators to piece together the complete picture.

A significant transaction emerged when $150,000 of that money made its way into the coffers of the Lion Hall Group, a business owned by President Biden’s brother James Biden and his spouse, Sara Biden.

Adding another thread to this intricate monetary mesh, Sara Biden promptly withdrew $50,000 to her personal account. Her actions served to add another layer to this perplexing financial web, making it a herculean task to fully untangle.

A personal check of $40,000, marked as a loan repayment in the memo line, was then issued to President Biden himself by Sara Biden. This move further thickened the financial fog that investigators are currently attempting to penetrate.

With a flurry of internal transfers, withdrawals, and international transactions, it is evident that there is considerable effort being taken to obscure the actual flow of money. The investigation is meticulously peeling back these layers, revealing more and more about the financial operations of the Biden family.

As these revelations unfurl, they are being met with increasing scrutiny and attention on a global stage. The anticipated subpoena is but the next step in the ongoing attempt to shed light on this complex financial narrative unfolding at one of the highest levels of U.S. politics.

The subpoena, when it is served, will signal a critical turning point in this investigation, mercifully offering greater clarity to an intricately woven saga that has intrigued and puzzled many. The quest for truth by House Oversight Chairman James Comer continues unabated, with renewed vigour and commitment.