A tragic incident unfolded at Antioch High School in Nashville, Tennessee, when a 17-year-old student, Solomon Henderson, opened fire in the school cafeteria. Henderson fatally shot 16-year-old Josselin Corea Escalante before taking his own life. Another male student sustained a minor graze wound and was treated at a local hospital.
The shooting occurred around 11:09 a.m., prompting an immediate lockdown and a swift response from local authorities. Police are investigating Henderson’s background and potential motives, including his reported involvement in online forums promoting extremist views.
Community leaders are focusing on the need for heightened school security and greater vigilance to ensure student safety. This incident has prompted calls for proactive measures to address potential threats within educational environments.
As Nashville grapples with this heartbreaking event, officials are prioritizing support for the affected families and the school community, ensuring resources are available to help them recover from the tragedy.
Update from Metro Nashville Police PIO Don Aaron: @FOXNashville pic.twitter.com/1IbfwoNKXW
— Madeleine Nolan (@MaddieNolanTV) January 22, 2025