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Potential Chemical Attack At Trump Rally In Arizona

CONROE, TX - JANUARY 29: Former President Donald Trump speaks during the 'Save America' rally at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds on January 29, 2022 in Conroe, Texas. Trump's visit was his first Texas MAGA rally since 2019. (Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

Last week’s Tucson rally, the first to be held since the former President Donald J. Trump stepped off the debate stage, took place within vibrant city borders known for its progressively inclined populace. Linda Ronstadt Music Hall, the chosen venue, served as the backdrop for this noteworthy assembly, which not only introduced the nation to Trump’s newest policy propositions but also birthed numerous debates and contentious moments that reached a crescendo both before and post-rally.

The saga began when a post shared on social media by Pima County Supervisor Adelita Grijalva met with a significant outburst of public disapproval. The message, translated from Spanish, displayed provocative language aimed at MAGA supporters and the former President’s iconic orange color scheme, accompanied by a less than welcoming ‘Welcome to Tucson’ caption.

The tension escalated when a subsequent session of the Pima County Board of Supervisors unfolded, in which community residents strongly voiced their desire for an apology from Ms. Grijalva. Yet Grijalva remained unflinching in her stance, positing she’d be willing to consider admitting wrongdoings only once the former President apologized for his previous inflammatory remarks targeting women, individuals of color, and the LGBTQ+ community.

Other prominent local figures harbored similar feelings of resentment towards the rally. The namesake of the venue, renowned musical artist Linda Ronstadt, stuck out among those dissenters. Using social media as her platform, Ronstadt critiqued the former President’s decision to host his gathering at an establishment bearing her name, explicitly sharing her adverse feelings towards his legislation.

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While this political rendezvous pulled in a substantial audience that applauded with enthusiasm, it concluded on an unforeseen and somewhat distressing note. Close to 20 participants, heavily represented by the ‘Latinos for Trump’ group who had been on stage, reported the onset of unusual symptoms soon after the event’s curtain closed.

The primary localization of this symptomatic subset was implicated to be the stage’s side where the former President made his grand entrance before ascending the podium—an area where Pastor Eli Moreno and his wife, Francesca Moreno, among others, were in proximity.

Preliminary descriptions of their symptoms varied. For Pastor Moreno, the symptoms presented as minor discomfort. However, his wife Francesca endured a much tougher ordeal. On their journey back, she developed a running nose, blurred vision, and facial swelling. Further on, while making a stop at a nearby Walgreens, they ran into a fellow participant grappling with a similar set of symptoms.

The ordeal didn’t end there for the Morenos, as Francesca reported that emergency room physicians had to perform an eye wash procedure. It wasn’t until five days later that she started showing signs of recovery. Similarly, Mayra Rodriguez, another participant, fell prey to these unusual post-rally symptoms such as ocular burning and an intense headache, surfacing half an hour post her exit.

Upon reaching the emergency room, Rodriguez’s condition had deteriorated to the extent that her eyes couldn’t open. Subsequently, a dye test was conducted by medical professionals revealing a chemical burn. Persistent symptoms involved blurry vision and trouble tolerating light even days after her initial medical visit.

Several other rally-goers reached out to The Arizona Globe recounting their experiences since the rally concluded. Common characteristics among the reported symptoms included visual impairment, acute ocular pain, and facial edema, which developed roughly half an hour after the event wrapped up.

One impacted individual resorted to using milk to mitigate the burning sensation associated with the symptoms before deciding to seek medical intervention. Another attendee claimed his skin began changing color to a reddish hue followed by peeling. According to them, hospital personnel confirmed their cases weren’t solitary—other patients from the rally had reported similar symptoms.

Notably, an official statement regarding the matter has not been made available at the time of reporting by either the Tucson Police Department or the Linda Ronstadt Music Hall. However, Danielle Alvarez, the Senior Advisor to Trump’s campaign, did provide some commentary on the evolving situation.

Alvarez detailed that the Trump campaign is currently in the process of gathering data about the incident. She went on to reassure that they persist in their commitment towards the myriad patriots who frequently show up at their dynamic and highly influential rallies across the nation. As we wait for more details, this evolving matter continues to capture national attention.