
Trump’s legal team attempts to delay trial at Mar-a-Lago


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Former US President Donald Trump’s legal team has reportedly been working to delay his cases as much as possible, with the hush-money trial already postponed to start on March 25, 2024.

Now, there is news that they are attempting to delay another trial at Mar-a-Lago until December 11 instead of its original August 14 start date. This move has received pushback from Special Counsel Jack Smith, who stressed that a delay could only be made under exigent circumstances.

However, Trump’s legal team argued that they need more time to prepare and requested an extension citing classification issues, requesting a pretrial conference for discussion and reconsideration.

Some analysts speculate that this is just the first of many delays they will seek, which could end up pushing the trial closer to Trump’s 2024 Presidential run.

Indeed, February 2024 marks the start of the Republican presidential primaries. The delay in the Mar-a-Lago case, coupled with the ongoing postponement of the hush-money trial, could work in Trump’s favor as he attempts to secure his position as a candidate.

However, the timing of these trials could pose a problem for his campaign, with the hush-money trial set to begin just a month after the primaries commence. During this window, Republican candidates will be working hard to secure the party’s nomination.

The official candidate won’t be chosen until the national convention in Milwaukee, WI, on July 15-18, 2024. Thus, it would be reasonable to expect Trump’s legal team to continue to delay both trials as much as possible to ensure they do not interfere with his campaign.

That being said, Trump’s team has already encountered significant obstacles in their efforts to push back the Mar-a-Lago trial. Counsel Smith has vocally fought back against any delays, citing the importance of keeping to the original schedule as agreed upon by both parties.

Of course, the defense has argued that they need more time to prepare and to ensure that they have received the necessary security clearances and followed the Classified Information Procedures Act. To some conservative voices, this may seem reasonable, as the interests of national security should be held as a priority.

However, it should be noted that some believe that this is an attempt to allow more time for the defense to turn what would be a difficult case into a political opportunity to rally Trump’s supporters. The timing of the trial may also be an important factor to the defense’s success. It’s worth considering that some conservative voices may view any delay as an attempt to prevent the former president from defending himself.

For some conservative voters, then, the timing of the trial and possible delays could be a crucial factor in their continued support of Trump. Should these trials proceed as planned, it could pose a significant risk to his political future – but with delays, he may be able to turn the trials into a political rallying cry.

Ultimately, the decision to delay the start of the Mar-a-Lago trial rests in the hands of Judge Aileen Cannon. However, given the obstacles faced by Trump’s legal team so far, it seems likely that further delays will be sought. These actions will undoubtedly have consequences, both for the schedule of the trials and for the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.

It is worth noting that, despite the support Trump has received from many conservative voters, not all are in agreement with his legal team’s tactics. Some conservative voices believe that delaying the trials unnecessarily only serves to undermine faith in the judicial system – a crucial pillar of democracy.

Consequently, the decision to delay the trial is a difficult one, with a range of competing interests at stake. Nonetheless, for Trump’s legal team, the benefits of delaying the trial may well outweigh the risks. As the Republican primaries approach, any delay could give Trump additional time and momentum to secure the nomination.

Whether these efforts will be successful, however, remains to be seen. Ultimately, the delays to the trials may work in Trump’s favor, but they also have the potential to backfire. The decision to delay the trials comes with a range of risks and complications.

In the aftermath of the 2020 Presidential Election, Trump remains a controversial figure among both Democrats and Republicans. His continued success may be dependent on his ability to navigate these legal proceedings and emerge victorious. However, with the potential delays to his trials, the road ahead remains uncertain.

For now, his supporters are keeping a close eye on the progress of the trials, hoping to see justice done and eager to see Trump back in office once again. Whatever happens, the outcome of the legal proceedings will undoubtedly have significant implications for American politics in the years to come.

In the meantime, the American people must wait and see what will happen next in this ongoing legal saga. Whether Trump’s legal team will be successful in their efforts to delay the trials remains to be seen – but one thing is clear: the outcome of these trials will have far-reaching consequences for the future of American democracy.

As we continue to follow this story, we should take care to remember the importance of the democratic process and the role that the courts play in upholding our rights and freedoms. Whatever happens in the coming weeks and months, we must remain vigilant and engaged, fighting to ensure that our democracy remains strong, vibrant, and free.