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Trump’s Candidness Outshines Harris’s Evasiveness

As the election looms ominously close, the political tug-of-war is not for the faint-hearted. Current surveys depict a nail-bitingly close contest, with Trump and Harris vying for the national voting majority but intriguingly, Trump holds a slight edge in crucial battleground states.

For either party to secure conviction in this political rollercoaster, a decisive move, a breakout is imminent. Trump has a golden opportunity to marshal a broader supporter base, and to seize this, his focus should be on meticulously curated demographics and contentious issues such as the suburban female populace and the question of abortion.

Despite the opportunity presented by the recent debate, Trump’s strategic targeting seemed off-center. It rather veered towards the higher income slab with propositions such as scrapping taxes on tips, alleviating high taxpayers with SALT, exempting workers from tax on overtime work, and granting seniors a tax waiver on social security benefits.

Regardless of the tinge of vote-buying in these policies, they might resonate with the targeted audiences. Perhaps Trump should let his charismatic personality shine through as he did recently on Gutfeld, where he displayed a delightful blend of humour and charm.

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Switching focus towards Harris, it is confounding how reclusive she remains. Her presidential aspirations necessitate openness about her policies and convictions. Yet, so far, she has failed to adequately address pertinent questions that would shed light on these aspects.

It seems ridiciously illogical that anyone would vie for the role of president without offering transparency to their potential constituents. This lack of communication is unfortunately suggestive of reticence on her part. A presidential candidate must be proactive in engaging the public, either through press conferences or public rallies, but Harris’ silence in this regard is telling.

It begs the question – has there ever been a presidential election where a nominated candidate resorted to such evasiveness? Biden found refuge in the pandemic, it seemed, preferring to campaign from his basement. However, Harris does not have the pandemic as an excuse to seek solitude.

However, in my perspective, Trump holds the higher ground in this regard. He willingly opens himself to all queries, demonstrating a commendable understanding of the issues at hand. Coupled with his prior experience and infectious energy, he indeed stands a better chance of a breakout.

To compare, Harris exhibits a lack of engagement. What voters really need from her is a compelling reason to cast their votes in her favour. But so far, she seems to have fallen woefully short in this regard.

There’s an almost palpable sense that Harris is fearful of direct interaction with voters. One cannot secure a sweeping victory in an election without a sense of sureness and a confidence to face the voters unabashedly and frequently.

Voters often gravitate towards a leader who is willing to reveal their vulnerable side. Humanness creates connections. Trump’s affable personality, as exhibited on Gutfeld, could be one of the many reasons behind his popularity among many.

Despite the fierce competition, the aura around the Trump campaign is filled with a magnetic energy. A blend of his experience, open interaction with the public, and deep-rooted understanding of core issues is a winning combination in the hearts of the masses.

On the contrary, the Democratic nominee’s lack of engagement sends a negative message and stirs discomfort in the voters’ minds. It is of utmost importance to provide clarity about what one brings to the table if one aspires to govern a nation. Harris’ reluctance to participate in open_press_conferences and public rallies sets a worrying precedent.

In the final run to the polls, candidates need to bring their A-game. Trump’s flair for engagement and his policy offerings might sound opportunistic, but they seem to be a carefully crafted stratagem aiming to win varied demographic groups. His willingness to face any question thrown at him also sets him apart.

The political arena is not a place for the timid. To inspire confidence among voters, one has to face them directly, interact frequently, and share a clear vision. In this regard, Trump’s candidness and openness far outweigh Harris’s reticence. It seems quite clear who holds the advantage in this present scenario.