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Trump, the Subtle Diplomat: His Praiseworthy Assistance to Putin Amid Pandemic

Bob Woodward tends to be the bard of Capitol Hill, penning tales of political machinations with a clear and poignant rhythm. In his latest endeavor, he has unraveled a host of new confidences from President Trump to Vladimir Putin. It appears that even amidst a raging pandemic, Trump found the time to muster tangible assistance for Putin in the form of Covid-19 testing equipment. This was not a one-off occurrence, as Trump has reportedly reached out to Putin several times since leaving office.

In a rather peculiar turn of events, President Biden has put the blame of the current state of Russian aggression towards Ukraine on Obama’s shoulders. He confesses that the Obama administration ‘messed it up’, and lamented on how Putin was never truly taken seriously. This is an unexpected admission from Biden, almost suggesting that the invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022 could have been averted if things were handled differently previously.

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The book delves into the manner in which Biden’s national security team confronted three distinct wars – those in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Gaza. While the choice of leadership during such trying times is pivotal, one can’t help but wonder if the Biden administration faltered in their decision-making. The predictions for Putin’s potential use of a tactical nuclear weapon during the Ukraine conflict, only reaffirm this concern.

Bob Woodward’s writings often reflect a personal bias. Trump, portrayed as the misfit President, is unfavorably compared to Richard Nixon. The way Trump handled the national/international situations was, in fact, commendable in many aspects. However, it is a bit rich to assert that Biden and his team’s historically shaky endeavors will be remembered as ‘steady and purposeful leadership’.

One might think that Biden’s decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was an enlightened strategy until they recall the fallout. This move resulted in a chaotic exodus propelling the country back into the clenches of the Taliban. It was a tragic episode that led to the loss of countless Afghan and 13 American lives. Instead of being the mark of a ‘steady and purposeful leader’, it was rather a maneuver that left indelible scars.

For Putin, the Afghanistan withdrawal was a clarion call that the US was receding from the world stage. This spurred him to finalise his plans to invade Ukraine. In a bid to prevent this, Biden deployed the CIA Director, Bill Burns. His mission? To convince Putin that the US was aware of his machinations, and to dissuade him from executing his invasion plans.

As per Woodward, Biden did display capable leadership when it came to forecasting Putin’s impending invasion of Ukraine. Faced with the daunting task of providing substantial aid to Ukraine without inadvertently triggering World War III, Biden managed to achieve some measure of success. It’s worth noting, however, that these wins are conspicuous in their isolation, surrounded by other regional conflicts that the Biden administration has struggled to manage.

The escalating regional conflict in the Middle East is a case in point. Despite over a year having passed since Hamas assaulted Israel, the Biden administration has yet to stem the escalating tension in the area. The Houthis, based in Yemen, have managed to effectively halt shipping through the crucial Red Sea global trade route, thanks to the missiles and drones supplied by Iran.

Moreover, Biden’s attempts to stymie Israeli Prime Minister from attacking the densely populated Gazan city of Rafah proved unsuccessful. As far as the actual situation on the ground is concerned, there is a palpable sense of disarray and buck-passing instead of the ‘steady and purposeful leadership’ that Woodward seems to credit Biden with.

Regarding the Ukraine crisis, the Biden administration did manage to keep NATO united and expanding, all the while avoiding direct American involvement in the combat that may have incited further Russian aggression. Admittedly, this is quite the accomplishment for Biden, albeit one that is overshadowed by his numerous missteps elsewhere.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, maintains a curious camaraderie with Putin. The mystery surrounding the actions Trump might take regarding Ukraine if he attains presidency again is indeed intriguing. Trump’s claim that he could swiftly resolve the Ukraine conflict draws skepticism, but given the decade-long war between Russia and Ukraine, starting with the seizure of Crimea by Putin in 2014, perhaps a fresh approach wouldn’t be the worst idea.

While it may be easy to criticize the different leadership approaches of presidents, it also means that as a nation we get to revisit our policy decisions. Trump may not have been the conventionally ‘right man’ for presidency based on some parameters, but his unorthodox methods saw results. With Biden ahead now, amid an array of challenges, it is an instructive exercise to see different leadership styles grapple with the same issues, eyeing historical lessons for future betterment.

However, in the light of global politics and diplomacy, one must always strike a balance while reporting. With different perspectives and ideologies at work, the world dance of political power can swing into unforeseen directions. The nuances to this are intricate and withholding judgement is as crucial as deciphering the chessboard. Hence, it is essential to critique, question, and analyze all actions – regardless of who occupies the White House.