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Trump Questions Biden’s Intent Behind TikTok Shutdown

Is the TikTok Ban a Strategic Election Tactic? Trump Thinks So

Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden

Former Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump recently pinpointed President Joe Biden as the reason for the impending doom of TikTok- a popular social media platform. In a noteworthy social media post, he underlined Biden’s role in the potential proscription of TikTok.

He conveyed to the predominantly young user base of the app that the current President is orchestrating plans to halt the operations of TikTok. Drawing attention to Biden’s backing of the ban, he suggested a connection between Biden’s decision and a desire to bolster Facebook’s dominance and prosperity.

Trump made the point that the closure was not without ulterior motives, hinting that it was a power play on behalf of his friends at Facebook. These actions, according to him, may foster an economy that remains unfair to telecommunications and entertainment competitors, thereby threatening the principles of a robust capitalist system.

He asserted a further allegation of election interference, insinuating that the move was not just a low blow to TikTok and the free market, but also a strategic maneuver to handicap the Republican Party. Trump seemed to sound a wake-up call to the Democrats’ savvy use of social media for political campaigning, a tactic not uncommon in modern politics.

He urged the younger generation and others to keep these maneuvers in mind as they head to the polls on November 5th. Highlighting his concerns about the influence of these actions on the democratic process, he underscored how crucial it is to remember these events when casting their votes.

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Further articulating his dismay, he implied that Biden poses a significant risk and outright threat to the state of the nation. His words demonstrated his total disapproval, even going as far as suggesting that motherland’s foundations may be jeopardized under the current leadership.

The issue centers around a piece of legislation, H.R. 8038. According to this proposed law, social media applications from countries considered foes must cut connections with these nations within 270 days from the day the bill comes into effect if they wish to function underway in the United States.

The law also provides a provision that gives the President the discretion to extend this timeline by 90 extra days. This extension might be granted if satisfactory progress is being made in negotiating a deal that allows these platforms to maintain their presence online.

The legislation received overwhelming support, manifested by the 360-58 passing vote. The gravity of national security appears to have been a compelling factor, uniting multiple parties to give a nod to the act.

Interestingly, two members from Florida’s jurisdiction in Congress, embodying both major parties, voted in opposition. Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Republican, and Rep. Maxwell Frost, a Democrat, stood out with their contrary views on the legislation. A symbol of bipartisan resistance, perhaps?

Among other dissidents were several Republicans, well-known for their staunch support ofTrump. Many of them weren’t afraid to express their disapproval of the law, standing up for what they perceive as an important constitutional right.

Among these voices, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia was pronounced. Similarly, Matt Rosendale from Montana and Andy Biggs from Arizona took a stand against the bill. Each expressed their views, clearly concerned about the implications of such legislation.

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