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Trump Knocks It Out of the Park: Roaring Crowd in Iowa Cheers His Sharp Cognitive Skills


At a recent political gathering in Coralville, Iowa, former President Donald Trump had the crowd roaring with laughter as he humorously mimicked President Joe Biden’s attempts to exit a stage. Following this, he launched into remarks highlighting the apparent cognitive difficulties experienced by Biden, while highlighting his own mental acuity validated by a cognitive test during his term in office.

Trump cheerfully shared, ‘To set the records straight, I did undergo a detailed physical, and the results were stellar. Not satisfied with that, I insisted on taking a cognitive ability test with a confident, ‘Doctor, throw at me any test that you can. I’m ready for the gauntlet.’

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He further stressed that candidates vying for the country’s highest office ought to mandatorily undergo such an examination, notwithstanding some constitutinal concerns about this idea. ‘Our Constitution is our guiding beacon and we cherish it,’ said Trump, ‘However, considering the current scenario and our present leader, the necessity for such an evaluation appears paramount.’

‘Behold, our current office holder; I highly doubt his cognitive skills would clear such an evaluation, while I shouldered mine gracefully. The examining doctor did mention I breezed through it.’ Trump happily declared amidst a smattering of applause. He continued, ‘I assure you, if things were to go downhill for me, I won’t conceal it. If my performance shows any sign of decline, I’ll be the first one to notice it.’

Drawing from his soaring popularity in the polls and the enthusiastic crowd response, it’s clear that Trump has no intentions of slowing down. In fact, he seems to be gaining momentum, constantly eclipsing his political counterparts.

Offering an international perspective on this changing political landscape was none other than the former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich (R-Ga). Prompting a global directional shift, he shed light on various elections which highlight worldwide disillusionment with extreme leftist ideologies, not a phenomenon limited to U.S. soil.

In a recent conversation with Fox News host Laura Ingraham, he asserted, ‘The survival of an entire system, deeply aware of its impending destruction, is at stake here. Looking at the election outcomes in Italy, Argentina, and the continuous rise of Trump’s popularity here in the U.S., I believe something significant is underway.’

He commented on these series of leftist defeats by connecting them to a global movement against radical, left-wing, and socialist tenets. He pinpointed Hungary as a notable example where ordinary citizens have expressed their resounding ‘no’ to such ideologies. He noticed a trend, ‘The support for Trump only seems to grow larger and more visible.’

Gingrich related this global shift to a sense of sheer desperation on the left, which he sees as a survival-based reaction. He further compared the current tension to some of the high-stakes politics of the past in the South in 1860.

He also emphasized that the predicament for the left is serious. ‘They have an unlikely winner in Biden, and he isn’t leaving the scene any soon. Simultaneously, their opponent is getting stronger and more focused. These factors are setting us up for an explosive moment in our political history,’ Gingrich said.

His take on the changing political dynamics is backed by a series of articles he has been penning for the American Spectator. Gingrich remarked, ‘It’s hard to untangle how we arrived at this juncture. The modern left has morphed into something alien, extreme, and isolated.’

He shared his observations that the demographic groups traditionally counted amongst their supporters are straying. African Americans, Latinos, younger Americans and Asian Americans, all are seemingly shifting their loyalties. ‘The supporters they thought were theirs for the taking are thinking twice, saying ‘They’ve lost their grasp on reality’ and are refusing to back them,’ Gingrich said.

Highlighting the causes of this shift among the demographic base, Gingrich referred to various societal problems. He pointed to the exacerbating drug crisis, rising crime rate, cost-of-life issues, and the growing numbers of immigrants crossing the border as major factors.