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Trump Breaks New Hampshire Voting Records in Historic Win


The first presidential primary of the nation took place in New Hampshire on Tuesday, a historic day as the ballot boxes were opened for the citizenry to decide their preferred Republican nominee.

Set as a direct competition between former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and prominent Republican presidential contestant Donald Trump, the result saw the 45th president gaining victory with record-breaking numbers. Barely a moment passed following the 8 PM EST poll closure before Trump was announced the triumphant leader in the contest.

After the chaotic flurry of voting had calmed, it was clear that Trump had overtaken Haley significantly, by securing 54.4 percent of the vote against Haley’s 43.3 percent. This hard-fought contest resulted in Trump, the real estate magnate, tallying an awe-inspiring total of 168,752 votes. This converts to an alarming 12% of the state’s population, a figure which has obliterated previous records.

The previous landmark was set by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in 2016, when he scored a total of 152,193 votes in a face-off against Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile, Haley, endowed with a fair share of independent and Democrat votes which pushed up her performance, could ultimately muster only 134,255 votes in comparison.

But this remarkable victory for Trump does not begin and end with just the numbers. He also becomes the first political personality of recent times to have seized the New Hampshire primary thrice, having thoroughly proven his mettle in 2016, 2020, and now 2024. Historically, such an honor of triple victory in this primary was last claimed by Richard Nixon in the years 1960, 1968, and 1972.

Even though Haley managed to clinch over 40% of the cast votes in the primary, various exit polls indicated that her tally was substantial due to votes originating from Democrats and Independents. Hence, despite securing a seemingly favorable vote share, her position in the race is not as rock-solid as it might appear.

Haley’s inability to claim victory in the New Hampshire primary stands as a major setback for her overall campaign. The implication of this result could even compel her to consider exiting the race before the South Carolina primary scheduled for February 24, despite the state being the home turf for the former governor.

Nevertheless, despite the potential negatives and ongoing speculation about her political future, Haley remains resolute. She addressed her supporters on Tuesday evening, affirming her decision to stay in the contest. In her own words, ‘New Hampshire is first in the nation, it is not the last in the nation. This race is far from over,’ clearly indicating that she is not ready to back down without exploring all remaining opportunities across the other states.

As per the carefully aggregated data from the Five Thirty Eight polling average, Trump already has a dominating lead in Haley’s home state. With 62.2% of South Carolinians firmly supporting Trump, Haley has her work cut out for her as she currently shows only a 25% backing among the state’s constituents.

The continued participation of Haley in the race is preventing the Republican Party from reaching complete unification behind the powerful figure of Donald Trump. As the November election against President Biden looms, this discord within the party may have broader implications. This schism could potentially limit the GOP’s strength during the high-pressure showdown against the Democrats that lies ahead.

While Haley persists on sticking to the race, she also ends up spending innumerable donor funds in her efforts to challenge the Republican Party’s chosen leader. Consequently, this has the potential to weaken the GOP further, causing fissures at a time when unity is in high demand.

The unwavering support for Trump from Republican voters could be perceived as a clear signal that they desire Trump as their candidate. It would thus be wise for Haley to heed this powerful directive from the electorate. As they say, sometimes, listening is as important as leading.

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